2020 Outdoor Track Sign-ups

The Spring 2020 track season is just around the corner. KC FIRE Track Club parent information meetings will take place Feb. 25th & 27th at iWerx, 1520 Clay St. North Kansa City at 6:30pm. We will have uniforms to try on and purchase/order there so please bring your athlete for a fitting. If you are unable to make a parent meeting please contact Coach Mat at 816-721-3499 or Coach Bethany at 816-213-8895 to make arrangements for a uniform fitting.

2019 KC FIRE Track Club Parent Intro Meeting Video

For those that missed the introductory meeting due to weather or would like to review the information again, we’ve posted a presentation video below.

IMPORTANT: Our uniforms are custom designed and ordered and require a 5 to 6 week lead time. If you are planning on registering and ordering a uniform please note uniform orders are due by March 1st if at all possible. If meeting the March 1st date is not possible please contact Coach Mat at the email below immediately. Please contact Coach Mat (coachmat@kcfiretrackclub.com) or Coach Bethany (trackmom@kcfiretrackclub.com) with questions regarding uniform ordering/fitting.

2018-19 Indoor Track Signups

We are super excited to announce that we are kicking up this year’s indoor training season by adding 2 state-of-the-art practice facilities. New this year, we are partnering with Zone 6 in NKC for incredible strength and conditioning. We will also be using the newly renovated HyVee Arena (Kemper Arena) for indoor track workouts on a 350m Mondo track. More practice details are now live on our website on our Member Signup page, including a tentative practice schedule (hyperlinked) and cost. We are so pumped to get started with our indoor track season. Get signed up now and stay tuned for more details!


Practice Canceled Tonight

Due to the cold weather practice is canceled today. We will begin practice this Wednesday at 6 pm at Discovery Middle School. See you then!

2018 KC FIRE Track Club Intro Meeting

For those that missed the introductory meeting or would like to review the information again, we’ve posted a presentation video below.

IMPORTANT: If you are planning on registering and ordering a uniform please note uniform orders are due by March 16th. Please contact Coach Mat (coachmat@kcfiretrackclub.com) or Coach Bethany (trackmom@kcfiretrackclub.com) with questions regarding uniform ordering/fitting.

2018 National Youth Indoor Championships

Parents, below are the detailed instructions for entering the YES Athletics 2018 National Youth Indoor Championships. As with many indoor meets, there are unique details for entry into this meet. They are not difficult, but there are specific steps that MUST be taken on your part and that of the team. In order to ensure everyone gets entered into this meet please complete the registration this week (Feb. 5 -9) in order to account for any signup difficulties. Please read the instructions in their entirety BEFORE attempting to complete any of the steps.

From the YesIndoor.org site:

What Club-Parents MUST do online on the ENDURO USA (Registration) website AFTER setting up an account.

Club-Parents do NOT “upgrade” your ENDURO USA™ account to complete these steps. Simply login click on “My Roster List” (in the left navigation panel) then click on “Club-Parent’s Roster”.  SEARCH for and add your student(s) to your roster, then complete these 3 steps. It’s just that simple.

(1)  Process online Parent Authorization;  (must be completed by the parent – NOT by the “Coach of Record”)

(2)  Process YES-Athletics™ Individual Membership;  (If you ran fall XC for Brocaw Blazers then you do NOT need to pay to acquire another YES Membership)

IMPORTANT: Once you have completed the above steps please email Coach Mat at CoachMat@KCFIRETrackClub.com with your athlete’s desired events. Only a team coach can actually enter the athletes into their respective events.

(3)  Once your athlete has been entered into the meet by Coach Mat please return to the EnduroUSA.com website to process the Indoor Championship Meet Entry Fees.

USATF Jr. Olympics and Online Viewing Opportunity

KC FIRE members, parents, friends and relatives we wanted to provide you a schedule of our qualified athletes and also to let you know that there is an opportunity to view your athlete online with a monthly USATF.tv+ membership.  Monthly membership is only $12.99 and may be canceled at any time.

Team on FIRE! KC FIRE Sending 19 Athletes to Jr. Olympic Games

KC FIRE Track Club is on FIRE! We are sending 19 different athletes in 56 events to two different Jr. Olympic Games.

We are so excited for our athletes and to see all the hard work paying off. We have athletes in almost every category of Track and Field from throwers to sprinters to distance runners.

The USATF Jr. Olympics will be held at Rock Chalk Park, a short drive from the KU Campus in Lawrence, KS.

The AAU Jr. Olympics will be held at Eastern Michigan University in Ypsilanti, MI


KC FIRE Shows Strong at Team Believe Meet

KC FIRE Track Club continues it medal run with 18 medals earned and 23 PR’s established at the Team Believe Meet.

Congratulations to our Athletes of the Week: Brooke Yeates and Sam Smith.

Sam Smith in Long Jump

Brooke Yeates in the 3000m









Medals and Top 4 Finishers:
Sprinters/Jumpers: (10 PRs established)
Kate Shriver: Silver (200m,) Bronze (100m)
Jackson Hodgkin: 4th place(200m) (fantastic race in the final setting a new PR)
Sam Smith: Silver (200m H), Bronze (Long Jump)
Tylin Hodgkin: Bronze (Long Jump)
Throwers: (5 PRs established)
Zach Grace: Bronze (Shot put)
Alle Grace: Bronze (Discus), Silver (Shot put)
Theo Grace: 4th (Shot Put), 4th (Turbo Jav)
Mid and Long Distance (8PRs established)
Emory Nessa: Bronze (1500m), Silver (800m)
Ellie Maynor: Gold (1500m), Gold (3000m)
Todd Yeates: Bronze (1500m)
Brooke Yeates: Gold (1500m), Gold (3000m)
Sam Benson: Silver (1500m), Silver (800m)
Sarah Perrea: 4th (1500m), Gold (3000m)
Lauren Hodgkin: 4th (800m)

Strong Season Opener for KC FIRE Track Club

KC Fire showed up in strong form at the Stride Ryte track meet on May 6. In total, the club earned 14 medals and had a combined total of 36 PRs set.
Every thrower in the meet established a new personal record. Kegan Maynor earned Bronze in the shot and discus. Zach Grace finished with Silver in the shot and discus. Matthew Perrea and Theo Grace both earned a Bronze in the shot put. Matthew also got fourth in the discus.
Our sprinters and jumpers established 14 PRs. In a huge field of competitors, we had fourth place finishes from Sam Hill in the 200m and long jump. Sam Benson came in fourth in the 400 meters.
The Mid and Long Distance crew had a double Gold medalist in Brooke Yeates in the 800m, and 1500m (both PRs.) Todd Yeates finished third in the 1500 (pending official review.) Ellie Maynor earned double Silver, and our female athlete of the week, Emory Nessa, earned Gold and Silver. Alex Frohna and Sarah Perrea both got 4th in the 1500m. Tylin Hodgkin finished fourth in the 800m. Our male athlete of the week, Sam Benson, knocked 6 seconds from his PR in the 800m, to finish with a Silver.

A good way to start the year.

Sam Benson in the 800m

Emory with a post race smile